how to solving KVM permission denied in GNS3 linux

HI BRO Networker

welcome in my blog , me find some problem when run qemu in gns3

this problem in my gns3

QEMU process has stopped, return code: 1
Start QEMU with --

Execution log:
Could not access KVM kernel module: Permission denied
qemu-system-x86_64: failed to initialize KVM: Permission denied

solved with

chown root:youruser /dev/kvm

example :

chown root:aditilhandi /dev/kvm

goal yeah now qemu has running in my gns3

Thanks & sorry for bad my english writer


Mike Steele said…
That would work, but it is probably not the best for security.

as your normal user:

sudo usermod -aG kvm $(whoami) && sudo reboot

This adds your user to the kvm group and sadly requires a reboot to take effect.
thanks for solving
Anonymous said…
That worked for me, too.

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